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Nashanta Robinson

Episode 5: Healing from Your Curses Generational curses can be defeated by our generational blessings. But it is a process and it will take time. Listen to this episode as we discuss the next steps.

Episode 4: Creating Your life Curriculum To say you need to keep a diary on your life is over simplifying this conversation. It's good to document your success and failures so you can have a blueprint of the life you've lived. Reading that back will have such an impact on the path of your future.

Episode 3: Moving on after Failure When you fail, as hard as it is to take, you're supposed to not feel attached to the negative aspect of it but be happy that you were given the opportunity to learn. How Hard is That!? To not feel the pain of failure. Let's talk about the benefits of failure! Yes, there are some benefits.

Episode 2: Know Your Worth Do you struggle with valuing your self? Beyond money and material possessions? Do you accept more than you should from other people? Let's talk about it, amybe we can break the cycle.

Episode 1: How to Manifest Destiny. Are you ready to manifest the life you desire? It doesn't happen overnight, but it can happen with consistant faith, constant planning, and unconditional self love. Do what you were meant to do with your life... win.

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