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Breaking Free from Generational Curses: Using Blessings to Heal Family Wounds

woman looking in a broken piece of glass.
Photo by: Ishmael Sanchez

Everyone knows about an issue within their family that is less than desirable. Maybe their father has a drinking problem or their mother has mental health issues. Whatever the case, when you look back at their issues, you say “I will never be like my parents”. And for a while, you’re not. You call out your own BS, & you're motivated to do the opposite of them. Then one day, when you’re living life and forgot all about that promise you made to yourself, you look in the mirror and you’ve done exactly what your parents did.

Have you ever heard of the term generational curse? A generational curse is an individual or group of negatives that everyone in your family seems to fall victim to. Things such as narcissism, drug abuse, and violence. These traits are displayed through outright behaviors that may harm the self or others. Typically, you inherit it through the bloodline but these behaviors can also be learned. Either way, generational curses are sticky and they can attach themselves to you.

If you get stuck with the bad behaviors of your bloodline, that means no one before you has broken that curse. Your next in line to overcome it, die trying, or pass it on to the next generation to deal with. Unfortunately, the older the curse and the longer it's been allowed to run rampant through the family, the harder it is to break.

The hack to breaking a generational curse is it to focus on the blessings of your family, and act on that. Start off by identifying the talent, innate blessing, or spiritual gift most people in your family share and put all your energy into it. It should be fun, and give you feelings of joy & accomplishment. Do you cook, write poetry, or excel at math? There’s never only one gift to choose from. What's yours?

Every time you consciously switch from curse to blessing mode, you are training your head, heart, and mind state what to pay attention to. What you focus on will always take over more of your world. So, when you recognize that negative behavior that no one else in your family could conquer, fight it by focusing on the positives that you receive from your family. Here are the steps to defeating a generational curse:

  1. Live in truth: the hardest part of any journey is acknowledging mistakes and wrong doings. If you’ve hurt someone (including yourself) or you’ve been hurt by someone, you will need to be honest about that. Don’t fall into self loathing, just live in the truth of those actions. Hiding from it or choosing not to face it could give negativity a place to hide.

  2. Reevaluate your path: now look at your surroundings. Are you happy where you are, or have your curses carved out a path for you that you wouldn’t have taken if you were in a healthy state of mind? Changes at this point may be abrupt or you may have to make small deliberate steps. But if you’re unhappy, commit to making the necessary changes to be pleased with your life and yourself.

  3. Focus on honing your innate abilities: sometimes you can have many gifts, one dominant gift, or you still need to figure out what your gift is. This gift is something that you could do with the least amount of effort and produce maximum results. It may never bring in one cent in revenue but doing it will help heal your mind. Work on using your gift every chance you get. In public or private, whichever makes you feel comfortable. Feel the sensations of joy, accomplishment, and freedom that comes with mastering your generational blessing.

  4. Break down your gift: now I want you to think about how you use your gift so well. Make it make sense for you. Think of times when using your gift presented a challenge. Like, if you’re a writer- how did you overcome writer's block, if you're a singer- how did you learn to hit that note? How did you hurdle that obstacle?

  5. Apply your gift to your life: now that you’ve figured out how your gift works, see your life through the lens of your gift. Handle the problems in your life like how you would overcome the obstacles that pertained to your gift. Live your life in the satisfaction of accomplishing your gift at all times. If things become difficult, revert back to your gift and spend a few hours there. Meditate in your gift…meaning release your mind and connect to your spirit while you're doing what you were born to do.

I hope this helps you, so give it a try. When you are faced with a generational curse, combat it by using your generational blessing. Feel the freedom that comes with breaking that curse for your family. Trust me, once you do it, others will follow, and most importantly the curse will stop with you and won’t be able to move any further down your bloodline.

How Acquainted are you with your Gift?

  • Me and my gift are old pals.

  • I use my gift every now and then.

  • I wish I had more time to use my gift.

  • How acquainted are me and my WHAT?

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